Oral B Portable Electric Toothbrush Box Outdoor Electric Tooth Brush Protect Cover Travel Storage Box Case
Oral B Portable Electric Toothbrush Box Outdoor Electric Tooth Brush Protect Cover Travel Storage Box Case For Home Use/Travel
Good case, after reading the thought would be worse.And I liked, have been using them.
The product ended up being delivered in 14 days, it corresponds to the description, the is not a lot crumpled, and not critical, I can not say with regards to the quality of the product when i bought it for a gift. Solution and seller recommend.
The product was shipped quickly, found the mail in Krasnodar inside 2 weeks. Fully consistent with the explanation.
Slightly more than 2 weeks in order to Peter. But perhaps nevertheless it is the post of the European Federation.
The parcel followed very wrinkled (thanks into the Post of Russia), nevertheless is satisfied with the product alone, everything works, shaves well. Thank you seller
Fast delivery and good product. Me very satisfied with this product. It really is 100% original.
Note:only toothbrush case not include electric toothbrush or brush heads
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